Sunday 15 May 2016

Mthatha/East London South Africa spiritual retreat

We were recently tremendously blessed with a trip to a region of South Africa called the Eastern Cape. We visited two cities: Mthatha and East London. East London is located by the ocean and Mthatha is located 2 hours inland surrounded by gorgeous rolling green hills. Although the scenery was beautiful, it was the people we met who most impressed us!

This is a picture of "Mma Prof" (in pink), Percy, and a young couple who is taking a year off work to seek God fully. They are currently living with the Ntintilis. 

There was A LOT of laughter throughout our time together! It was hard to get a shot when they weren't cracking up! This is Professor Ntintili and Percy.

me and Mma Prof in front of our yellow rental car

This is a wonderful lady who offered us her Bed and Breakfast free of charge just to bless us!

Qunu (Nelson Mandela's birth place) is in a village close to Mthatha so we took an afternoon to head over to the museum.

The Mandela museum wasn't that impressive but the area surrounding it was breathtakingly beautiful! These are the hills where Mandela grew up herding cattle and playing as a boy.

These school girls kept wanting to touch my hair and my skin! I guess they don't get many white people around this area because they made me feel like a celebrity the way they clamored over me!

This is a rock that Mandela used to slide down. Of course the school girls came sliding down giggling after me.

This lovely couple hosted us in their amazing home one night in East London.

It is so neat how God provides. The day we stayed at this luxurious home that overlooked the Indian Ocean was Percy's birthday! What a treat! They served us food fit for kings as you can see in the picture!

East London sits on what I heard South Africans call "The Wild Coast". It was easy to see why. Some parts of the beaches were rocky and dotted with huge boulders. Other parts were filled with endless sand dunes as far as the eye could see. And other parts were just typical sandy beaches. It was a refreshing trip and we got plenty of time to play by the seaside as you can see in the following pictures.

We had to learn to use the timer option on the camera since we rarely saw any other people out on the beaches.

vast sand dunes beside the sea

Rocky cliffs overlooked the ocean. We managed to hike up one to get some better pictures.

Just a lone boat on the shore made for a good picture I thought.

Ready, Set, GO!

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