Wednesday 27 January 2016

Pictures from our USA TRIP 2015

We were recently blessed with an opportunity to spend 6 weeks in the States. Words can't describe how amazing and refreshing that time was!!! Here are a FEW (but actually a lot) photos just to give you an idea of all the exciting things we go to experience.

HIGHLANDS, N.C. -- the beautiful land of waterfalls, mountain trails, and best of all my entire extended family to share it with!
My dad went with us on a day trip to Furman University, where I attended college. We stopped here on the side of the road for a picture.



First the posed photo... and then everyone jumped off!!! I could have shared hundreds of photos of the cousins having fun together, but just chose this one to show how much they enjoyed each other!

My dad went on a day hike with our family to enjoy nature's finest beauty that surrounded us in Highlands.

Thankfully, I got a lot of quality time with my brother over this trip as well!

Ironically, the weather was so warm in Tifton that the kids swam almost every day!!! Not exactly the cold winter wonderland we had hoped for when we left our hot Botswana summer! :) 

DISNEY WORLD with my mom

Chill days at our family cabin, near my parents house in Tifton Ga.

I mentioned an accident in the last prayer letter. Anna Catherine had her foot hanging out of this Ranger when my father passed close by a tree. Her foot got stuck between the moving ranger and the tree and needless to say it was NOT PRETTY!!! THANKFULLY, it was only pretty severe soft tissue damage and no bone was broken!!

Fishing with "G-daddy"

Would not be a true South Ga. visit if we didn't shoot some guns too!!! We set up a metal "man" and the kids had target practice. The older guys shot skeet across the pond with a shot gun. 


Took an elevator up one of the tallest buildings in Atlanta so the kids could see the "world" 

My dad treated the kids to a day at the Georgia Aquarium, which they LOVED!
My cousins and their spouses and children = part of my extended family

All their cousins had matching Christmas pajamas! Cute!! :)

Christmas morning with "MeMar and G'daddy and their two cousins (my sister's children)

 HORSE BACK RIDING at a friend's farm

1 comment:

  1. They're all so beautiful. I love seeing these happy smiles! Thanks for sharing your family and your world with us.
