Tuesday 17 November 2015

We got water from the sky... but NOT all in the form of RAIN

We finally got water from the sky...but not in a good way! At least 300 pounds of ice was just dumped on my house and yard in a wild span of 20 minutes!! Since our average temperatures these days are over 100 degrees, the hail will melt and water our yard and for that, I am thankful! But, the intensity of the hail storm killed most of my plants that desperately needed the water sadly.

I don't think pictures do this storm justice, but to at least paint a picture... see below

Can you see the white balls? This is actually UNDERneath a tree and under the over hang of my roof and it was still this much. The yard was totally covered!

I am dreading going out to look at my car in the day light tomorrow to see the damage of this hail storm.

Most of the balls were about half the size of a golf ball. There were some bigger and some smaller of course...

Percy went and scooped a handful off his car so the kids could feel it was really ice!

This is at our back door and under neath a porch. The winds were hectic and I guess this is evidence that the hail made it under the porch and literally to my back door!

The entire yard was WHITE! If you look closely, you will see that the vegetable garden behind is not white. But, look on top. My dad put up an awesome shade net to shield my veges from the scorching heat. That shade net broke tonight with the weight of all the ice. You can see how badly it is sagging due to the ice if you look closely. Sorry dad! I guess you need to come visit me again to fix it!! :)

I hope this shows how THICK the ice blanket was that covered under our porch!

Sadly, my plants were broken and destroyed with the violent dropping of ice falling from the sky!

The hail must have knocked off all the leaves on this chilli pepper plant that was looking good earlier today. And since it is located where the roof water runs off, the plant may drown too...

Another picture of my back porch. By the way, the shoes are there because our yards are made of dirt, so walking inside with them always tracks a lot of mud/dust/dirt. Therefore, my family usually leaves our shoes at the door. Something I learned in Canada to be polite! :)

This is a picture of the yard!
Despite the damage, the kids had a blast playing in the closest thing to snow they will ever experience in Botswana. They also repeatedly praised God for the water, showing how even at a young age they truly understand the deep preciousness of water. I am sad about my plants but at least now with this good water, I hope they will grow back....

ALL in ALL... we Thabas thank God for the rain today! Not the way I would have preferred God to answer the prayer for rain, but still water from the sky all the same. :)

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